I know you heard the words; you are what you eat, right? That is so true. When I go to a buffet where it's all you can eat, I normally go to familiar foods. We all do. It comes to a point where we are afraid of how things look or if it tastes good to us. The question is, is it good for us? Something that looks unappealing seems to be the best thing on our plate.

We have people in our circle that's not good for us, but we keep them on our plate because they are familiar. Hmmm something to ponder on huh. Some of us don't like change. Our go to is normally the cause of our pain. So, this is the year of increase. That means
It's time to go on a diet and cut some things off that may look and taste good but will be dead weight on us later. We can't elevate with dead weight. So, watch what you have on your plate because bad eating can give you a negative outcome of indigestion, heartburn and upset stomach. When you are eating right, you can digest or take in positive thoughts and rest well. So, this year, I challenge you to keep your plate light. When you eat heavy, you walk heavily. Everyone doesn't need to know what you are up to; they may try to rain on your parade. You can move in silence when you eat a little lighter. So, watch what you eat!