Often, we make a new year's resolution about losing weight. Which is a wonderful and
healthy idea physically. What about losing weight mentally? Hmmm something to ponder on huh. We all carry some things in our mind that are beyond our control, which weighs us down. Taking on others' problems can create extra weight that we don't need. We all have people in our lives that hinder us from moving forward. Am I in someone's living room right now? Those are the main people that are so hard to cut loose. Just like being a diabetic eyeing a piece of chocolate cake, knowing that if we eat it that it will taste good but hurt us eventually. Some people may enjoy our company, but they can be toxic. We feel good when we lose weight, and our body feels a little lighter too. We can get that same effect mentally when we lose dead weight that can be very heavy on us at times. We have enough going on but taking on things that don't belong to us can cause a lot of damage to us physically and mentally. So, this year pack light!